Master in Marketing and Sales Management

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Agustin González

Agustin González

Master in Marketing and Sales Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Marketing and Sales Management se dicta de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar con el centro.
  • Titulación oficial
    Se entrega una doble titulación de EAE Business School y de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (si estudia en Madrid).
  • Valoración del programa
    Los alumnos que cursen el Master in Marketing and Sales Management aprenderán los secretos del marketing que permiten a una empresa diferenciarse de la competencia y atraer a sus clientes. Aprenderán sobre management y marketing estratégico, finanzas, negocios digitales, investigación de mercados y estrategias de negocios, entre otros temas.
  • Dirigido a
    El curso de EAE Business School se dirige a graduados universitarios en carreras como: administración, economía, contaduría, comercio, ciencias de la comunicación, marketing. Y a egresados de otras áreas que quieran especializarse en marketing y ventas.
  • Empleabilidad
    Podrá trabajar como Gerente de Marketing de una empresa, Gerente Comercial, como Gerente de Comercio Exterior, entre otros.

Comentarios sobre Master in Marketing and Sales Management - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Master in Marketing and Sales Management.

    Formato: Full Time
    Modalidad: On Campus
    Duración / Créditos: 12 meses / 70 ECTS
    Idioma: English
    Campus:  Barcelona


    The Master in Marketing and Sales is designed to enable you to transform market challenges and opportunities into competitive advantages for the company. The program gives you solid training in both marketing and commercial management, as well as insight into the latest marketing trends and an in-depth understanding of the organizational aspects that generate corporate value, a key factor for the growth of any organization. 

    Upon completing the tuition period in Spain, students have the option of doing a two-week residential placement at Kean University (USA).

    We keep moving forward

    The need for professional training is constant as the world around us is uncertain. In this new reality, we have developed protocols and methodologies in order to make sure that our students can continue to receive high quality education and keep developing professionally at our Madrid/Barcelona campuses, through virtual presence, using the Hybrid format or being anywhere in the world. We are a community committed to education, wellbeing and everyone’s safety.

    The Reasons Why
    You should choose the Master in Marketing and Sales.
    We could give you loads more. We might mention key benefits such as employability, revitalizing your career, enhancing your visibility, and so on. But here is a list of specific reasons that explain why taking this Master is a safe bet:

    EAE Entrepreneur.
    Through our business incubator,  we help shape, finance and accompany your entrepreneurial ventures. EAE Lab gives you the resources and environment necessary to enable you to identify your competitive advantages and develop your business idea.

    Residential Program in New York.
    At the end of the tuition period, you can do a two-week residential program on Retail & Services Marketing at Kean University (USA).

    International Talent Program.
    If your goal is international professional development, you will gain the maximum visibility among the multinationals that work with EAE through the Employment Workshops and interviews with headhunters and international recruitment consultants.

    Advisory Board.
    Our master tuition plans are developed in collaboration with an advisory board formed by 26 professionals from companies such as Unilever, Sony, Mango, Nielsen, Nissan, OgilvyOne, Heineken, Endesa, BP, La Caixa and Dockers, among others.

    Business Networking.
    Meetings with professionals from large companies and other students, enabling you to expand your network of contacts. In 2018, we organized meetings with executives from companies such as Google, Vodafone, Accenture, Intel and Telefónica, to name just a few.


    Today’s business environment is constantly evolving. Globalization, new information technologies and new distribution channels are all changing the perspective of marketing and the way we sell. To compete in a global setting, we have to access new markets, tackle new competitors and, most importantly, approach commercial and marketing management from a more innovative perspective.

    Consumers are increasingly demanding and have access to information to help them make decisions. To fulfil their demands, companies need well-rounded professionals, with updated training in marketing, the skills to cater for an increasingly fluctuating market and the capacity to take full advantage of new technologies.


    Business Intelligence

    Gaining a command of techniques and sources for obtaining information and an in-depth understanding of the creation of an information system for Marketing, Sales and Competitive Intelligence. Analysing the market situation, defining the different scenarios, ascertaining the opportunities and developing the marketing strategy.

    Strategic Vision

    Identifying opportunities, threats and possibilities for change within the company setting, directing the strategy in response to the potential sales scenarios. Getting an in-depth insight into the opportunities and risks generated by the latest trends that emerge every day, as well as adapting the company to the competitive environment.

    Executive Skills

    Leading and motivating teams in a globalized and multicultural setting. Understanding how the Marketing and Sales Department should related to the rest of the organization in order to enhance the company’s value.

    Course content.



    Module 1 - Organizational Management.

    - Commercial and marketing planning process in organizations - 5 ECTS
    - Market research, information management and decision-making - 5 ECTS
    - Financial impact of strategic decisions - 5 ECTS
    - Marketing in digital environments - 5 ECTS

    Module 2 - Strategic Marketing.

    - Creating value in businesses - 5 ECTS
    - Delivering customer value - 5 ECTS

    Module 3 - Strategic Market Planning.

    - Sales and marketing strategies - 5 ECTS
    - Customer and Key Account Management: new models of business organization - 5 ECTS
    - Business strategies for customer-centric marketing - 5 ECTS

    Module 4 - Minor

    - Minor- 10 ECTS 

    Module 5 - Master´s Thesis

    - Master´s Thesis- 15 ECTS

    Choosing EAE enhances your future with our Master in Marketing and Sales Management.
    At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our Master in Marketing and Sales Management.

    Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
    Commercial Director
    Product Manager
    Brand Manager
    Category Manager
    Marketing Technician

Otra formación relacionada con dirección de marketing

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