Modalidad de imparticiónEl Curso se imparte de manera presencial.
Número de horasEl Curso en Español para Extranjeros está compuesto por 3 módulos.
Titulación oficialAl finalizar se entrega una certificación.
Valoración del programaEste Curso ofrece al alumno las herramientas para poder interactuar en Español con la finalidad de que puedan estudiar o viajar en países de habla hispana.
Precio del cursoConsultar precio.
Dirigido aEste Curso apunta a personas interesadas en aprender el idioma Español.
EmpleabilidadAl terminar el Curso el alumno tendrá la capacidad de comunicarse satisfactoriamente en Español.
The courses have been designed for foreigners who come to Chile to work, study or travel. They are divided into three levels, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced, each of which consists of three 33 - hours courses.
At the end of the Elementary Level (ALTE 1; A1-A2) students are expected to be able to:
1. answer simple questions and follow simple instructions
2. talk about personal issues
3. fill in a form
4. write simple messages
5. write e-mails
6. understand the general idea and specific information of simple texts
7. ask questions about general subjects
At the end of the Intermediate Level (ALTE 2; B1) students are expected to be able to:
1. interact effectively in most communicative situations
2. give detailed personal information
3. communicate formally and informally
4. write texts about common topics
5. write emails related to work
6. start and maintain a conversation effectively
At the end of the Advanced Level (ALTE 3; B2) students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the general idea of most of a variety of texts
2. interact in complex communicative situations both formally and informally
3. write texts about a variety of topics
4. write letters and emails about topics related to the work environment
5. start and maintain dynamic conversations effectively
Our methodology is flexible, since teachers adapt the programme to the students´ individual needs. We want our students to be able to interact both efficiently and effectively in different kinds of situations in which they might be involved during their stay in Chile. In order to achieve that goal the classes are entirely taught in Spanish. Grammar and vocabulary are embedded in real-life scenarios so as to make the learning process highly significant.