Curso de Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Advanced Administration
Modalidad de imparticiónEl Curso de Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Advanced Administration podrá ser cursado a través de un modo presencial.
Número de horasEste programa tiene una duración de 40 horas en total.
Titulación oficialEste programa entregará una certificación al participante que acredite las horas cursadas.
Valoración del programaEl Curso de Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Advanced Administration ha incluido en sus objetivos principales entregar al estudiante el conocimiento preciso para configurar y monitorear canales de servidor de red. También podrán configurar JMS para garantizar la entrega de mensajes, JMS para cargar el balance del cluster, JMS para almacenar y reenviar diversas características, entre otras múltiples acciones relcionadas con esta herramienta.
Precio del cursoConsultar precio.
Dirigido aEste programa está dirigido a administradores de seguridad, administradores técnicos, ingenieros de soporte, técnicos consultores o administradores de redes.
Curso de Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Advanced Administration
ContenidoOracle WebLogic Server 11g Advanced Administration
Duración: 40 hrs.
Oracle WebLogic Server is a Java EE application environment that supports the deployment of mission critical applications using a robust, secure and scalable infrastructure. System administration of WebLogic Server includes a wide range of activities, from creating and configuring server domains, to deploying and securing applications, to monitoring and troubleshooting server, application and performance issues.
In this course, students expand upon their basic administrative knowledge and experience, and learn more sophisticated techniques for working with WebLogic Server and integrating it within the rest of their enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the topics of authentication, enterprise messaging, clustering and performance. This course also covers some basic techniques for monitoring server health and for troubleshooting problems. Students continue to use tools such as the WebLogic Server Administration Console and WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) for performing these administration tasks.
- Experience with basic Linux administration and shell commands
- Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: Administration Essentials (Sugerido)
Dirigido a
- Administrator
- Security Administrators
- Support Engineer
- Technical Administrator
- Technical Consultant
- Web Administrator
- Configure and monitor server network channels
- Define a JDBC data source for load balancing and failover
- Configure JMS to guarantee message delivery
- Configure JMS load balancing and failover in a cluster
- Configure JMS store and forward features
- Create custom domain and extension templates
- Bridge WebLogic JMS to an external JMS provider
- Configure automatic server migration in a cluster
- Replicate HTTP sessions using multiple clusters
- Integrate WebLogic Server with an external LDAP server
- Integrate WebLogic Server with a database security store
- Tune a Java VM for performance
- Tune server subsystems for performance
- Define server work managers
- Apply techniques to diagnose and troubleshoot server problems