Modalidad de imparticiónEl Curso de Developing a LiveCycle ES2 Application será impartido a través de un modo presencial.
Número de horasSolicitar información directamente en el centro acerca del tiempo total de duración.
Titulación oficialEste programa otorgará una certificación a los estudiantes interesados.
Valoración del programaEl Curso de Developing a LiveCycle ES2 Application está diseñado a manera de taller de trabajo, concebido para entregar las herramientas necesarias tanto teóricas como prácticas sobre este programa, las cuales permitan un desarrollo de aplicaciones innovador y que optimice los resultados esperados tras cada lección.
Precio del cursoConsultar precio.
Dirigido aEste programa está dirigido a desarrolladores y administradores de software interesados en adquirir este conocimiento para complementar sus habilidades en programación.
Curso de Developing a LiveCycle ES2 Application
ContenidoCurso de Developing a LiveCycle ES2 Application
This workshop is designed as an introduction to LiveCycle ES2.5. In addition to providing you with theory about LiveCycle features, a large segment of the training is devoted to hands-on exercises as well as demonstrations. For each lesson, we will start with an activity to introduce you to some of the concepts that will be covered in the lesson. We will then cover the content of the lessons using a combination of lectures and demonstrations. We will finish off each lesson with an exercise where you can put into practice the functionality covered in the lesson.
Introduction: Developing a LiveCycle ES2 Application
Lesson 1: Introduction to LiveCycle ES2
Excercise 1: Describe a Use Case for LiveCycle
Lesson 2: Exploring Workbench ES2
Excercise 2: Creating an Application
Lesson 3: Building a Process
Excercise 3: Designing your Process
Lesson 4: Testing a Process
Excercise 4: Invoking your Process
Lesson 5: Using Services
Excercise 5: Adding Services to your Process
Lesson 6: Exploring LiveCycle Designer ES2
Excercise 6: Designing a PDF Form
Lesson 7: Designing a Guide
Excercise 7: Creating a Guide
Lesson 8 Part 1: Working with the User Service
Excercise 8 Part 1: Configuring the Assign Task Operation
Lesson 8 Part 2: Working with the User Service (continued)
Excercise 8 Part 2: Configuring the Assign Multiple Tasks Operation